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Naše prometne štampe food grade hermetičke zaokružene crne matne željezne posude su fleksibilne posude koje su prilagođene kafi, čaju i drugim prašnim sastojcima. Ove posude su dizajnirane sa fokusom na kvalitetu i funkcionalnost. Hermetičko zatvaranje osigurava da se osveženost i ukus sadržaja čuvaju, dok crna matna površina daje elegantan izgled. Mogućnost prilagođene štampe omogućava brendiranje i personalizaciju.

Ključne karakteristike:
  • Materijal hrana klase za sigurnost.
  • Hermetični dizajn za održavanje svježine.
  • Crna matna površina za elegantan izgled.
  • Prilagođena štampa za brendiranje.
  • Zaobljena forma za jednostavno rukovanje i smeštaj.

  • Ambalaža kafe, čaja ili prašnih proizvoda za maloprodaju ili velikoprodaju.
  • Idealno za kafe, čajane i specijalitetske trgovine.
  • Može se koristiti za čuvanje kafe, čaja ili prašnjaka u kući.
  • Odličan izbor za darovnu ambalažu kafe ili čajeva.
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Opis Proizvoda
Prometna štampa dizajn hrana stepeni hermetički zaokruženje crno mat tins prilagođeno kafe tin can čaj metal tins posuda sa poklopcem
Postojeće veličine ili po želji
Prilagođena boja
Ambalaža za kafu i hrano
prilagođeni logo
0.23mm aluminijevi plehar ili deblji
Izveštaj o testiranju SGS
Vrijeme isporuke
25-30 dana posle potvrde uzorka
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Prilagođeno štampanje prikaz
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Сродне производе
Profil kompanije
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Повратне информације купаца
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Паковање и испорука
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Često postavljana pitanja
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture


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