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Tiskanje po meri, vintage nepredušna matcha embalaža, pločevinka za kavo v prahu, luksuzna zaprta velika pločevinka za čaj z dvojnim pokrovom

Tiskanje po meri, vintage nepredušna matcha embalaža, pločevinka za kavo v prahu, luksuzna zaprta velika pločevinka za čaj z dvojnim pokrovom Slovenija

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Our custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can is a luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister. It offers an elegant and practical solution for storing matcha, coffee powder, and tea.

Ključne lastnosti:
  • Tisk po meri za edinstveno blagovno znamko.
  • Vintage design for a classic look.
  • Nepredušno za ohranjanje svežine vsebine.
  • Luxury sealed with double lids for added protection.
  • Velika velikost za dovolj prostora za shranjevanje.

  • Ideal for packaging and storing matcha, coffee powder, and tea.
  • Uporabljajo ga lahko čajnice, pražarne kave in specializirane trgovine.
  • Makes a great gift option for those who appreciate luxury packaging.
  • Primerno za domačo uporabo, da ti izdelki ostanejo organizirani in sveži.
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister manufacture
opis izdelka
informacije o izdelku
Blago vrhunske kakovosti
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister factory
0.23 mm bela pločevina ali več
OEM/ODM ( vaše umetnine )
3000 kosov ali glede na dejansko stanje
Oznaka HS
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister manufacture
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister factory
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister factory
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister factory
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister manufacture
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister supplier

Podrobnosti Slike
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister manufacture
Podpora za tiskanje in velikost po meri
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister supplier
Primerno za hrano + 100 % recikliranje
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister details
Zgornji tisk + 100 % zapečateno
Priporočite izdelke
Predstavitev podjetja
Mesto Dongguan Hongxu Packaging ProductsCo., Ltd
1. Specializirani za tiskanje, proizvodnjo - 20 let 2. Imamo certifikate ISO, SGS in SEDEX.
3. Pločevina za živila, ki se uporablja za piškote, darila, čaj, kavo ... 4. Dobro usposobljeni in izkušeni delavci.
5. Profesionalno oblikovanje kalupov in linija za samodejno proizvodnjo. 6. Storitev v enem koraku in celovita rešitev.
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister manufacture
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister factory
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister manufacture
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister factory
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister manufacture
Customer Feedback
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister manufacture
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister factory
Pakiranje in odprema
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister manufacture
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister factory
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister factory
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister factory
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister supplier


Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister manufacture
Pogosta Vprašanja
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister supplier
Custom printing vintage airtight matcha packaging coffee powder tin can luxury sealed large double lid tea tin canister supplier


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