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Pločevinka za čaj, kavo in prah

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Prazna pločevinka za kavna zrna po meri za hrano, veleprodajna nepredušna pločevinka za čaj matcha, pločevinka s črnimi kvadratnimi ohlapnimi pločevinkami za čaj

Prazna pločevinka za kavna zrna po meri za hrano, veleprodajna nepredušna pločevinka za čaj matcha, pločevinka s črnimi kvadratnimi ohlapnimi pločevinkami za čaj Slovenija

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Opis izdelka:
Our Custom food grade empty coffee bean tin can and wholesale airtight matcha tea leaves tin canister are designed for storing coffee beans and tea leaves. The black square loose tea tins offer a stylish and practical packaging solution.

Ključne lastnosti:
  • Prilagodljiv za edinstveno blagovno znamko.
  • Varen material za hrano.
  • Nepredušno za ohranjanje svežine.
  • Black square shape for a modern look.
  • Suitable for coffee beans and tea leaves.

  • Packaging of coffee beans and tea leaves for wholesale.
  • Idealno za pražarne kave in dobavitelje čaja.
  • Lahko se uporablja za shranjevanje teh izdelkov doma.
  • Odlična možnost za darilno embalažo.
Custom food grade empty coffee bean tin can wholesale airtight matcha tea leaves tin canister black square loose tea tins supplier
Prazna pločevinka za kavna zrna po meri za hrano, veleprodajna nepredušna pločevinka za čaj matcha, pločevinka s črnimi kvadratnimi ohlapnimi pločevinkami za čaj
Custom food grade empty coffee bean tin can wholesale airtight matcha tea leaves tin canister black square loose tea tins details
Pločevinka za čaj
Velikost po meri, 80x80x110 mm
Barva po meri
Food Packaging
0.23 mm bela pločevina ali več
3000 kom ali po dogovoru
Dobavni rok
25-30 dni po potrditvi vzorca
Možnost prilagoditve
Sitotisk, nalepka
Custom food grade empty coffee bean tin can wholesale airtight matcha tea leaves tin canister black square loose tea tins supplier
Custom food grade empty coffee bean tin can wholesale airtight matcha tea leaves tin canister black square loose tea tins factory
Custom food grade empty coffee bean tin can wholesale airtight matcha tea leaves tin canister black square loose tea tins details
Custom food grade empty coffee bean tin can wholesale airtight matcha tea leaves tin canister black square loose tea tins details
Podobni izdelki
predstavitev podjetja
Custom food grade empty coffee bean tin can wholesale airtight matcha tea leaves tin canister black square loose tea tins factory
Custom food grade empty coffee bean tin can wholesale airtight matcha tea leaves tin canister black square loose tea tins factory
Pakiranje in dostava
Custom food grade empty coffee bean tin can wholesale airtight matcha tea leaves tin canister black square loose tea tins manufacture
Custom food grade empty coffee bean tin can wholesale airtight matcha tea leaves tin canister black square loose tea tins supplier
Custom food grade empty coffee bean tin can wholesale airtight matcha tea leaves tin canister black square loose tea tins manufacture
Custom food grade empty coffee bean tin can wholesale airtight matcha tea leaves tin canister black square loose tea tins factory
Custom food grade empty coffee bean tin can wholesale airtight matcha tea leaves tin canister black square loose tea tins factory
Custom food grade empty coffee bean tin can wholesale airtight matcha tea leaves tin canister black square loose tea tins factory
Pogosta Vprašanja
Custom food grade empty coffee bean tin can wholesale airtight matcha tea leaves tin canister black square loose tea tins supplier


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