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Samtilskauf prentun á matshluti airtight raund svart matta tinnir eru margbreytilegir efni bæði fyrir kaffi, te og annan puldur. Þessi tinnar eru útbúin með áherslu á gæði og virkni. Luftþétt loka vörumst friskleiknum og smákvömun innihaldsins, meðan svart matt útlit gefur stílsam útlit. Valmynd prentunar leyfir markafræði og sjálfstæðri stilling.

Helstu einkenni:
  • Matagrein af gerð til að tryggja öryrð.
  • Loftþitið útarf fyrir að varðveita fræsleika.
  • Svart matt útlit fyrir stílsamt útlit.
  • Sérsníðin prentun fyrir markafræði.
  • Hringlaga form fyrir auðvelt aðgerð og geymslu.

  • Pakkning kaffi, te eða pulver vöru fyrir söluaðila eða samtilskauf.
  • Þægilegt fyrir kaffibíó, teagreiðslur og sérstakagreiðslur.
  • Þetta getur verið notað til að geyma kaffi, te og pulver heima.
  • Upphafleg valkostur fyrir giftapakka af kaffi eða teprodукtum.
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Samþættingu prentun design matvæla gráða luftþætt svart matt bakkar sérsníðin kaffi bakkar tey metall bakkar hópur með hlið
Áframandi stærð eða sízig
Sérsniðinn litur
Pakkar fyrir kaffi og matvörur
sérsniðið merki
0.23mm tinnplata eða meira
SGS prufuskýrsla
25-30 dagar eftir samþykki útdráttar
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Sérsniðin prentunarsýning
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Tengdar vörur
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Endurgjöf viðskiptavina
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Pakkning og sending
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Algengar Spurningar
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture


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