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Kaleng mati hitam bulat berkualitas makanan kami dengan desain cetak grosir adalah wadah serbaguna yang cocok untuk kopi, teh, dan bubuk lainnya. Kaleng ini dirancang dengan fokus pada kualitas dan fungsionalitas. Segel kedap udara memastikan ke segar dan rasa isi tetap terjaga, sementara finising hitam matte memberikan tampilan yang elegan. Opsi pencetakan kustom memungkinkan untuk pemasaran dan personalisasi.

Fitur Utama:
  • Bahan berkualitas makanan untuk keselamatan.
  • Desain kedap udara untuk menjaga ke segar.
  • Finishing hitam matte untuk penampilan yang elegan.
  • Pencetakan kustom untuk pemasaran.
  • Bentuk bulat untuk kemudahan penanganan dan penyimpanan.

  • Pembungkusan produk kopi, teh, atau bubuk untuk eceran atau grosir.
  • Ideal untuk kafe, toko teh, dan toko khusus.
  • Bisa digunakan untuk menyimpan kopi, teh, atau bubuk di rumah.
  • Pilihan bagus untuk pembungkusan hadiah produk kopi atau teh.
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
produk desciption
desain percetakan grosir makanan kelas kedap udara bulat hitam tin mat custom tin kopi bisa tin teh logam wadah dengan tutup
ukuran atau kustom yang ada
Warna Kustom
Paket makanan kopi
Logo Kustom
0,23 mm atau lebih
Waktu Tunggu
25-30 hari setelah konfirmasi sampel
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
tampilan cetak khusus
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Produk Terkait
Profil Perusahaan
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Umpan Balik Pelanggan
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Pengemasan dan pengiriman
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture


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