Gach Catagóir

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  • Forbhreathnú
  • Iarratas
  • Táirgí Gaolmhara
Tá ár n-ionsaí priontála ar fheidhmíocht tine bia a chur ar fáil mar chontaeirí éifeachtacha a chloíonn go soiléir le caffé, té agus puinn eile. Tá na cannaí seo dírithe ar chiall agus ar feidhm. Déanann an seal airtight cinntiú go dtosaíonn an tuiscint agus an blas den chontents, agus tabharfaidh an dearcadh dubh mat an ghlacadh éifeachtach. Ligeann an obair priontála saincheaptha brónnadh agus persúnachta.

  • Tlúth nádúrtha do shláinte.
  • Díghlaschur le haghaidh cinntiú an tsraith.
  • Dearcadh dubh mat don ghlacadh éifeachtach.
  • Priontáil saincheaptha don bhronnadh.
  • Cruaitear in ionad ciorcal don fheabhsú seasta agus stórála.

  • Pacáiste do chaffé, té nó phuinn phrodúict don rith réigiúnach nó ionsaí.
  • Idéala don chafé, siopa té, agus siopa speisialta.
  • Is féidir a úsáid chun café, thé nó fionnóg a stóráil ar láthair sa bhaile.
  • Roghanna iontach don phacáiste pháirtithe de chuid café nó thé.
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Cur síos ar na hártaí
Tins Dubh Matte Cainte Folamh Feadaíochta Bia Le haghaidh Druim Tae Tins Meáirle Cuíseachtaithe Cainte Tins Bancán Le haghaidh
Méid annamh nó saincheaptha
Dath Saincheaptha
Pacáiste bia caifé
Logo saincheaptha
0.23mm tinplate nó níos fearr
Téacs SGS Test
Am Luaigh
25-30 lá ina dhiaidh sin amharc ar an samplú
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Taispeántas priontálaíocha saincheaptha
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Táirgí Gaolmhara
Próifíl na Cuideachta
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Aiseolas ó chustaiméirí
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Pacáiste agus Seolta
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Ceisteanna Coitianta
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture


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Uimhir Theileafóin*
Ainm na Cuideachta*
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Cuardach Gaolmhar