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Vores gros handel med print design, madegnende lufttætte runde sorte matte tins er fleksible beholdere, som er egnet til kaffe, te og andre pulverer. Disse tins er designet med fokus på kvalitet og funktionalitet. Den lufttætte forsegling sikrer, at friskhed og smag i indholdet bevares, mens den sorte matte finish giver et elegant udseende. Muligheden for custom print gør det muligt at tilføje branding og personalisering.

  • fødevareprodukter til sikkerhed.
  • lufttæt design for at bevare friskheden.
  • Sort matte finish til elegant udseende.
  • brugerdefineret tryk til mærkning.
  • Runde for at lette håndtering og opbevaring.

  • Emballage af kaffe, te eller pulverprodukter til detail- eller grosforretninger.
  • Ideel til caféer, tebutikker og specialbutikker.
  • Kan bruges til at opbevare kaffe, te eller pulver hjemme.
  • En fremragende mulighed for gaveemballage af kaffe- eller te produkter.
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
engrostryk design madvare kvalitet lufttæt rund sort matt dåser brugerdefineret kaffe dåse te metal dåser beholdere med låg
Eksisterende størrelse eller brugerdefineret
Tilpasset farve
kaffe- og fødevarepakker
Tilpasset Logo
0,23 mm eller derover
at forhandle
SGS Test rapport
25-30 dage efter prøvekonfirmation
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
brugerdefineret trykskærm
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Relaterede produkter
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Kunde Feedback
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Indpakning og forsendelse
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid details
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid factory
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid supplier
Wholesale printing design food grade airtight round black matte tins custom coffee tin can tea metal tins container with lid manufacture


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