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Ons Nuwe Kersfees groot luxe kosgraad koekieskoeketjie sussie blikbeker is 'n leeg metaal rond musiek blik doos, ontwerp as 'n kindergawe. Dit bied 'n luxe en feestelike verpakkingopsie vir koekies en koeketjies.
  • Nuut en ontwerp vir Kersfees.
  • Groot formaat vir ruim berging.
  • Luxus kosgrade vir kwaliteit.
  • Musiekfunksie vir bykomende plezier.
  • Leeg vir aangepaste invulling.
  • Ronde vorm met 'n metalen afwerking.
  • Ideaal vir verpakking van koekies en biskwite as 'n Kersgeskenk vir kinders.
  • Kan gebruik word deur konfektiewinkels, geskenkwinkels en vir persoonlike gebruik tydens Kerfees.
  • Maak 'n geweldige byvoeging tot Kerstvierings en party's.
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box supplier
Produk Inligting
Premiun Kwaliteit Produkte
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box supplier
0.23mm blikplaat of beter
OEM/ODM (jou kunstwerk )
3000 stuks of gebaseer op die werklike situasie
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box factory
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box factory
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box factory
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box factory
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box details
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box details
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box details

Besonderhede Beelde
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box details
Steun afdrukbare en aanpasbare grootte
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box details
Voedselgraad + 100% herwinbaar
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box details
Topafdruk + 100% gesluit
Aanbeveling Produkte
Maatskappy Inleiding
Dongguan City Hongxu Packaging ProductsCo., Ltd
1. Specialiseer in drukwerk, vervaardiging - 20 jaar 2.Ons is ISO, SGS en SEDEX gertifiseer.
3.Voedselgraad blikkan gebruik vir koekies, geskenke, tee, koffie...4.Goed-opleide en ervare werkers.
5.Professionele moldontwerp en outomatiese produksielyn.. 6.Een-stap diens en volledige oplossing.
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box supplier
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box factory
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box details
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box manufacture
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box factory
Klant Terugvoer
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box factory
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box factory
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box details
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box details
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box details
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box factory
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box factory


New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box details
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box factory
New Christmas large luxury food grade cookie biscuit sweet tin can empty kids gift metal round musical tin box supplier


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