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Tee & Koffie&poeder blik

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Op maat gemaakte voedselseremonieële 100g matcha 50g eiwitpoeder tee blikker vasblou koffieblikke rond blik vir gemalen koffie

Op maat gemaakte voedselseremonieële 100g matcha 50g eiwitpoeder tee blikker vasblou koffieblikke rond blik vir gemalen koffie

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Ons aangepaste kos seremoniële 100g matcha en 50g proteïen - poederte blikhouer is 'n veelsevoudige opsie vir die stoor van verskillende poeders. Die leë blou koffieblikke ronde blik is ook geskik vir gemalde koffie, wat 'n stylvolle en praktiese verpakkingoplossing bied.
  • Aanpasbaar vir unieke merkweergawe.
  • Hou 100g van matcha en 50g van proteïenpoeder.
  • Leë blou kleur vir 'n eenvoudige maar aantreklike voorkoms.
  • Ronde vorm vir maklike hantering.
  • Geskik vir matcha, proteïenpoeder en gemalde koffie.
  • Ideaal vir die verpak van matcha, proteïenpoeder en gemalde koffie vir detailhandel of gros.
  • Kan gebruik word deur kafees, teewinkels en spesialiteitswinkels.
  • Maak 'n goeie geskenk vir koffie- en teeliefhebbers wat ook proteïenpoeder gebruik.
  • Geskik vir die stoor van hierdie produkte tuis.
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee details
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee manufacture
Matcha blik
Aangepaste grootte, 60x68mm
Aangepaste Kleur
0.23mm blikplaat of beter
3000 stuks of onderhandel
25-30 dae na monsterbevestiging
Aanpasbare opsie
Skermprint, Etiket
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee supplier
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee factory
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee details
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee supplier
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee factory
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee manufacture
Aangepaste drukweergawe
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee manufacture
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee factory
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee manufacture
Verwante Produkte
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee manufacture
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee details
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee details
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee factory
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee factory
Klant Terugvoer
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee details
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee supplier
Verpakking en versending
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee details
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee factory
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee manufacture
Groothandel ekovriendelike luchtdichte 30gm matcha poedervuursteen metale blikkies private label koffie tee blikverpakking


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