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Ons Aangepaste ekovriendelike vierkantige tee blikkie is 'n bergoplossing wat ontwerp is vir tee, koffie en suiker. Dit is 'n luchtdigte, kosgrade en ouwêrse-inspireerde metaal blikdoos.

  • Aanpasbaar vir unieke merkweergawe.
  • Ekowenige materiaal.
  • Vierkantige vorm vir 'n unieke voorkoms.
  • Lugdig om inhoud verse te hou.
  • Kosgraad vir veiligheid.
  • Retrosewer ontwerp vir 'n elegante aanraking.

  • Ideaal vir die opberging van tee, koffie en suiker.
  • Kan gebruik word deur tee winkels, koffie roosterders en spesialiteitswinkels.
  • Maak 'n goeie geskenkopsie vir teeliefhebbers en koffieliefhebbers.
  • Geskik vir huistaagbruik om hierdie produkte vers en georganiseer te hou.
Custom eco friendly square tea canister storage airtight food grade vintage tea coffee sugar canisters metal tin box for tea supplier
Op maat ekovriendelike vierkantige tee-bus berging luchtdig voedselgraad ou-wereld tee koffie suiker busse metale blik doos vir tee
Custom eco friendly square tea canister storage airtight food grade vintage tea coffee sugar canisters metal tin box for tea details
tee tinnie doos
Aangepaste grootte, 80x80x110mm
Aangepaste Kleur
0.23mm blikplaat of beter
3000 stuks of onderhandel
25-30 dae na monsterbevestiging
Aanpasbare opsie
Skermprint, Etiket
Custom eco friendly square tea canister storage airtight food grade vintage tea coffee sugar canisters metal tin box for tea factory
Custom eco friendly square tea canister storage airtight food grade vintage tea coffee sugar canisters metal tin box for tea details
Custom eco friendly square tea canister storage airtight food grade vintage tea coffee sugar canisters metal tin box for tea factory
Custom eco friendly square tea canister storage airtight food grade vintage tea coffee sugar canisters metal tin box for tea factory
Verwante Produkte
Custom eco friendly square tea canister storage airtight food grade vintage tea coffee sugar canisters metal tin box for tea details
Custom eco friendly square tea canister storage airtight food grade vintage tea coffee sugar canisters metal tin box for tea manufacture
Verpakking en versending
Custom eco friendly square tea canister storage airtight food grade vintage tea coffee sugar canisters metal tin box for tea factory
Custom eco friendly square tea canister storage airtight food grade vintage tea coffee sugar canisters metal tin box for tea details
Custom eco friendly square tea canister storage airtight food grade vintage tea coffee sugar canisters metal tin box for tea supplier
Custom eco friendly square tea canister storage airtight food grade vintage tea coffee sugar canisters metal tin box for tea details
Custom eco friendly square tea canister storage airtight food grade vintage tea coffee sugar canisters metal tin box for tea supplier
Custom eco friendly square tea canister storage airtight food grade vintage tea coffee sugar canisters metal tin box for tea details
Custom eco friendly square tea canister storage airtight food grade vintage tea coffee sugar canisters metal tin box for tea factory


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